Different variations of redirects, 301, 302, 303, 304 etc

For a complete list of HTTP status codes you can read further either visiting the wikipedia article on the topic or you can go to w3.org Status Code definitions for a complete assembly of HTTP status codes.

The purpose of HTTP Status codes

Basically HTTP Status codes are used for computers to understand in what way they should talk to each other. It is like the computers way of making discretion between a snobby lady and a street kid with a baseball cap. It might still not work, but you are a lot better off if you request a service from them in two radically different ways.
On a more technical note, HTTM Satus codes tell the two computers chatting with each other in which way and from where the two should interpret, fetch and forward the information they are processing from eachother.

301 Permanent redirect

The most common use for redirecting users from old places to new ones is through using the 301-redirect which basically tells the server that some content has permanently moved from one place to another.

302, 307 Temporary redirect

This was previously debated to be equal to the 301 redirect with regards to SEO purposes. I think the debate is killed nowadays as it is pretty evident that the 301 works a lot better, even if temporary. Basically it tells the requesting server that the content is there, only just not now. It also tells the server that it should continue to request the “old” place in the future as well as the content will return to there in a while.

The difference between the two being that you shouldn’t use the 307 as it is not understood by many agents. (simple ehy :))

303 Use GET method to retrieve

This is basically telling the server to use a specific method to fetch the information on the server.

305 Use Proxy to fetch

The 305 redirect tells the agent that the resource requested must be fetched via proxy.

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